As in any love story, it all starts with "Once upon a time"…
For me, this "once" started from the desire to "do" yoga. I had read about the benefits of yoga practices and I wanted to feel them on my own skin.
So, I started my first practice 6 years ago with Clara. But in all these years I have experienced other types of yoga and I have felt changes from one year to another.
But my practice was mental as my goal from the beginning was for my postures to work out correctly, to know how to do yoga. I used to say, "I do yoga".
It took me years of practice and even joint pain, back pain, muscle strains and all kinds of forced exaggerations that for a while made me give up yoga for good, and then only 3 months after breaking up with practice, yoga came back to it, but this time to have another purpose: the healing.
When no medicine or doctor can take away your pain and discomfort, there is only one way: to choose something else. And my choice was Yoga at a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius & 40% humidity.
It was an extraordinary challenge, and the repetitiveness of the Bikram asanas seemed extremely unattractive to me. So, the love affair with Bikram yoga started with the left. The good part was that I learned that exactly what I do not like about my ego and to can soften it, I need to make my body more flexible. And in order to be able to have a flexible body, it was necessary to pay attention to it, to listen to it, to allow it to do as much as possible, for any construction / relationship it takes time.
I went to the studio many times because I had paid the subscription and many times, I found excuses to postpone the practice. Even so, from one practice to another, my body removes pain after pain, my fears that I will get injured again have disappeared and instead the courage has appeared to trust my body, to allow it to guide me. for his own good.
If for others the Pandemic period has negative connotations, it gave me time to anchor and harmonize with my own body practicing Bikram almost daily.
Bikram yoga managed to free me from the negative emotions stored in my joints, it gave me a flexibility that I didn't have even at the age of 20 and it gave me an inner peace that I had been looking for a long time.
When I was banned from practicing in the studio, I missed him. It was then that I realized that it had become my new passion, my new love and even more, it had become part of me.
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Yoga este pentru toata lumea! Te asteptam!
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